Monday, March 10, 2008

Boy or Girl?

This afternoon Julie and I will meet at the doctor's office to view a sonogram that will most likely tell us the gender of our child. We are very excited and a bit nervous. Of course, we are praying for a healthy baby, but please pray with us that this child, no matter which gender, will be more in love with Jesus than anything else this world could offer. When I look at the world around me, I wonder about the wisdom of bringing a child into it. This world is violent, dangerous and seems to be more evil than ever before. How will we possibly manage to raise our child in the way he or she should go? More than a healthy, safe living environment, good food, nice clothes and all the rest, the thing that our child needs from us is our personal holiness. As parents, we need to commit ourselves to a joyful pursuit of holiness that shows the greatness of the God we worship. As I am writing this, something I read recently comes to mind by Sam Storms:

“Following Jesus is an increasingly joyful conformity to how he thinks and a deepening delight in what he loves, together with a healthy aversion to whatever might threaten our complete satisfaction in him.”

This is what we want our lives to demonstrate to our child and the world. We know that we are incapable of saving our child, just as much as we were incapable of saving ourselves. I am very thankful for that. Our only hope is to trust in God's grace for us every day. His mercies are new every morning and his promises for his people are astounding. Every day will be a great challenge to trust in his grace more and more as we raise our little boy or girl "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." Please pray for us in this new adventure of life!

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